Thursday, March 27, 2008

Poetry Contest Alert

It's the fourth annual Kids-Post Poetry Contest!

OPEN TO: Poets, ages 6-14

SUBMIT: no more than two original poems, by April 7, to: KidsPost, The Washington Post, 1150 15th St., NW, Washington, D.C., 20071 (or by email to: with "poetry" in the subject line.) Illustrations are welcome.

INCLUDE: your name, age, address and phone number.

WIN: Publication in The Washington Post on April 29, and a May 6 reading at Politics and Prose bookstore. Plus, a KidsPost T-shirt and a copy of Christopher Myers' book, Jabberwocky!


  1. I am most excited to learn that Myers made a version of Jabberwocky. WOWZERS. I just had my sixth graders memorize it. Wish I'd known about this!

  2. Thanks for the heads up! We just got that Myers book in our library. Love that poem. I am passing this post on to our teachers.


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