Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Is this what they do in real offices?

"Actionable Quotes"

(I think that's business speak for: read it and DO something.)


"You know you're a writer when you have more office supplies than an office supply store and you have to force yourself to "just keep walking" past the office supply aisle at the store because you're supposed to be Christmas shopping for friends and family."
---from Julie Prince


Check out Julie Prince's "
You Know You're a Writer" post and add a "you know" moment in the comments.

Or start your own "You know you're a reader when..." post.

Or simply walk into an office supply store and touch everything. Really. They aren't picky about stuff like that at Staples or Office Depot. They like it when you sit in the chairs and stroke the paper samples and sniff the banana-flavored magic markers.


"If you’re painting in watercolor in subfreezing temperatures, don’t replace the water with white wine, because that freezes, too. Use vodka instead."
---from Gurney Journey (a blog that is rapidly becoming my window into the practicalities of the artist's world)


If you live in the frozen Mid-West, try this and report back. What does painting with vodka feel like? Worldly? Dedicated? Insane?

If you don't live in the frozen tundra, or you're not an artist, use this tidbit to brainstorm how temperature affects your reading or writing. We all know there's such a thing as a Beach Read. Is there a Snow Read? A Hurricane Read?

No matter what, no drinking of paint! I do hear Dabadoodle is delicious.


"All the Wit of the World... is Not in One Head" ---wisdom saying


Get your hands on the old game "Wise and Otherwise." The premise is simple: players get one half of a "wisdom saying" from around the world. Then each person comes up with the second half and tries to fool the other players into voting for it, Balderdash-style. Good for all ages and hee-larious! Really. We have a Hall of Fame in the box where we save the best ones. One of my favorites? When given the prompt "I don't want it but..." my ten year old son came up with "I claim it in the name of Spain!" (Political humor at that age. You just know the boy is going to write for The Simpsons one day.)

Try it now! Here's the first half:

There's an old English saying: "Cheese and money should always..."

*Leave your answer in the comments, and then see if it beats the original here.


  1. Even though I live in the frozen tundra of the Midwest--and, boy, has it been frozen this year--I'm not drinking that paint. No way, no how :)

  2. "...be shared on Sunday."

    That game sounds hilarious.

  3. You know you're a blogger if you're reading one of your favorite blogs when you should be Christmas shopping. Really, I need to get offline, but thanks for the good quotes. Painting with vodka? Who knew.

    jules, 7-Imp

  4. I completely identify with the Julie's quote about the office supplies. I'm like a junkie. Not only do I buy them for myself, but everyone knows how much I love them and buys them for me. One of these days when I'm feeling brave, perhaps I'll post a photograph of the baskets of Post-its on my desk.

  5. ... be green.

    Tee hee. Maybe our families could play an online version of this together over the holidays. Spike the eggnog!

  6. An online version would be awesome! I wonder why they haven't done this already, especially now that the game's hard to find.

    Adrienne, let's see that photograph! I had a moment the other week when I couldn't find ANY post-its and I was shocked. I was sure I had gobs of them. What I had were all those post-it flags. I finally located a bent pink pad in the drawer. I guess I should have a basket like you.

  7. Oh, and I'll find the "correct" ending for that wisdom saying and post it.

    But not for a few days. Got to give the slowpokes a chance...

  8. ...are better when aged.

    P.S. I have an office supply closet in the house!

  9. be enjoyed with wine? (actually, that could be used for lots of things).

    Hey, Sara, I just awarded you a Roar for Powerful Words award ... stop on by for details.

  10. Cheese and money should always...make light work for idle hands.

    Or something.

    What a great game!

  11. Ha! I'd vote for that one! It IS a great game, and it's so frustrating to recommend it when I know people can't easily find it. Maybe I should start a letter-writing campaign to the company???

    In any case, I'll see if I can't fit it into my suitcase the next time we have a bloggers or SCBWI conference and we can play!


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